Setting Intention In The New Year!

Kicking off a new year is the perfect time to start fresh and think about how you want 2022 to look. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to have your exact goals laid out or resolutions committed to within the first week. Don’t dwell on what didn’t happen in 2021 and don’t project this into 2022. Let go of what was and focus on what can be.

A fun and easy way to let go of the year past and invite the new year in is:

  • use washable marker (or other dissolving substance) and get a shallow dish of water

  • write down things you want to move on from or let go from 2021

  • place the note in the water and let it dissolve away

  • take three deep breaths and say, “I am ready to let you go and move forward…& release”

Now, it’s time to start setting intentions for the New Year. This is a good place to start and will lead into forming your goals. Take the time to reflect on these three things to ease into intention:

HOW DO I WANT TO FEEL in 2022? List ALL the feelings you want through 2022 AND what are the things you can do to bring these feelings alive?

WHAT WOULD I LIKE TO CHANGE? This can be anything! What do you want more of AND what steps can you take today to begin creating it?

“WHO” CAN HELP ME ACHIEVE THIS? Don’t be afraid to ask for help/guidance from friends & family, colleagues, mentors, coaches.

All the very best in health, happiness and prosperity to you for 2022! XO

Catherine L. McCourt

Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach based in beautiful Vancouver, BC. She was recently recognized as one of the Top 15 Coaches in Vancouver by Influence Digest Media. Catherine works with clients around the globe and focuses on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses to lead with purpose to prosper. She is host of the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs and magazines.

Don’t Focus on the Number. Focus on the “Business”.


Happy Holidays!