Don’t Focus on the Number. Focus on the “Business”.

Are Sales Leaders hindering their team’s true potential?

As each new year unfolds, leaders and revenue teams are working on new budgets and targets. We are all aware that the “number”, the bottom line is the focus for the C Suite, finance team and board members and determines the health of the business. Sales and revenue teams are responsible for delivering these numbers and growth expectations season on season, year on year. But are sales leaders who meet weekly to only talk about hitting the “number” hindering their team’s actual ability to build long-term sustainable revenue?

Focusing on the number is short term. Focus on the “business” and you will earn long-term success.

 If your team is selling only to meet the number this could be less effective for creating additional growth and a stable revenue stream. Are opportunities being left on the table? When, your sales team understands the broader purpose of your business and can make a deeper connection with existing clients and new target markets, the conversation gets a little more interesting.

Too often when sales targets are a near miss or a complete miss its partly because the sales team was so focused on generating the “number” from their already trusted sources, key accounts or confirmed onboarding of new accounts. If the sales team were focused on the business, they would have had a plan B already in place to hopefully support the miss or extend past an achieved target.

So, how would this look exactly? What if sales teams were always in a growth mindset rather than a “meet my target” one? This shift will naturally have your team spending time on creating deeper connections with existing clients, while constantly thinking outside the box of where else your brand can add value in the market.

Here are just a few proven tips on conversations to have with your team:

Spend your last hour of the day or week creating your intentions for the following day/week:

- Who will you reach out to? New prospects specifically. Be intentional! Not just focused on the # of people you feel you need to reach but rather the quality of the calls. “WHY” are your calling them? What is the bigger opportunity besides just a PO to meet your #?

  - What else is important that needs to be tended to, to achieve your monthly, quarterly, or annual goals?

Always be considering:

- where else your product / service can provide purpose inside and outside of your current client base or market. Is there a new purpose you see your product or service valuable for or benefitting them?  

Be bold and qualify.

Be intentional and PLAN your client check ins.

Don’t just call and “shoot the #%^%” or when you know it’s time for them to buy. Develop a system for regular follow up. Service is KEY and essential to sales so be intentional. Have a unique approach, offer value each time, and stand out. Make things easy for your clients by being someone that thinks ahead.

Don’t rest on your laurels!

If you are experienced in sales, you know that at any given time client relationships can change.  You are not the only one they are speaking with.

Plan time in your week or month to always be considering “if” you lost X client how would you replace them? (Replace the revenue?)

Trust me, loss happens! I’ve seen companies lose millions overnight because they thought their relationship was solid yet missed a glaring issue with the client that led to the loss without having a recovery plan. By having a stronger relationship and better qualifying check ins, the company could have at least been aware this was coming and develop a strategy to minimize the impact.

 By working with your teams to broaden their thinking towards the big picture and engage more intentionally with their connections, will naturally lend itself to creating growth mindsets. Leading to natural and sustainable revenue growth. These types of conversations will create reliable revenue streams, stronger relationships not just rapport, and build your brands reputation. As well, develop the teams thinking and potential for success while most of all sustaining higher productivity minimizing stress and burnout.

If you or your team are interested in learning more on how to build sustainable revenue streams check out my program, “Selling with Soul”. Available for 1:1 or group programs. Workshops are also available. Click button below to learn more and to connect.

Catherine L. McCourt

Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach based in beautiful Vancouver, BC. She was recently recognized as one of the Top 15 Coaches in Vancouver by Influence Digest Media. Catherine works with clients around the globe and focuses on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses to lead with purpose to prosper. She is host of the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs and magazines.

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