Want to set & achieve your 2022 goals with ease?

Digestible Action is the key…

The new year affects us all differently. Some inspired to dive in and begin considering how they want their life to change. And some want to focus on accomplishing goals they’ve considered for some time. One thing that’s common for both is:

“How do you make it happen?” “How do you get from here to there?” “What’s the Action Plan required?

It comes easier for some than others but how we get there is usually the same principles. Set the goal, set the date for when you want it to become a reality. And then what?

It’s always easier to set the plan than to action it. Why is this? Well, many reasons from poor planning to lack of motivators. As well as time. Yes, the more time passes that we don’t act on the plan, or towards the goal the more procrastination sets in. Or worse, the doubt, the fear, and the imposter. This leads to inaction and then the ultimate worst feeling of failure.

So, how do we succeed in not just setting the goals in our lives but have them come to life?

The Number one thing you can do is create “digestible steps” and actions to begin the momentum. What this means is setting realistic actions you know you will happily attempt and complete. For instance:

- one step could just be writing that goal/change down somewhere that will be visible to you each day. This literally takes a second and easy to do right?

- your next step could be committing to a date you want this goal to be completed by and add that next or onto what you wrote down.

Number two: Okay, now the next level of steps may take some time to brainstorm.

“What are the things you need to do to work towards this goal or change?”

If you don’t have this answer and this is your challenge, consider ‘WHO’ you need to speak with or include in the process that can guide you on what steps to take. This could be a friend, colleague, family member or professional like a leader, coach, or mentor. Once you identify them set a date to reach out to them to review your topic and desired goal.

Number three: Once you gain some clarity on the steps required think of how you can break them down into digestible steps as in step number one. Can you break these steps down even further to suit your work or leisure schedule?

Stop thinking you need to dedicate a full day or hours to each step. Often it is how you reserve your energy in this process that leads to greater success. If you know there is a task that naturally flows with you and easy for you to do then go ahead, dedicate the most time to that task.

The idea to this whole process is to keep your energy up and not to drain you. Why fight with yourself to stay on a task that is literally sucking the life out of you. It may be necessary to get you to where you want to go. But by doing it in digestible steps will help you get there feeling better about it not resenting it. AND, most of all not causing you to quit and throw in the towel.

Do your best to stay in your “flow” and before you know it your goal will be complete, and you can celebrate!

By creating digestible action, it is easier to feel motivated to tackle them. You won’t feel like it’s a chore that you won’t have time for it. If you plan the right amount of time that keeps you engaged, you will succeed every time.

Find the motivators, the purpose for the steps. List next to each or a few of the steps the ultimate outcome you know this step will provide you if you stick with it. What is that motivator, the purpose for you?

Remember to keep this process visible ….

Good luck and keep going….you will succeed!

Catherine L. McCourt

Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach based in beautiful Vancouver, BC. She was recently recognized as one of the Top 15 Coaches in Vancouver by Influence Digest Media. Catherine works with clients around the globe and focuses on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses to lead with purpose to prosper. She is host of the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs and magazines.


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