Easy Holiday Hacks to keep you sane in December…

I don’t know about you but I can’t believe we have reached December already! This is exciting yet for some, adds a whole new level of overwhelm that comes with the holiday season.

Here are just a few “Holiday Hacks” that have helped keep me, my friends, and family stay sane through the month of December:

SLOW COOKER - if you don’t have one GET ONE! It is a time saver and ensures you & your loved ones have a great healthy meal prepped in little time. Prep for recipes is usually less than 15 mins and voila it saves your energy. Best of all less clean up. My go to recipes are beef bourguignon, chicken stew or whole chicken and veggies. Each can be served with other sides to extend the servings.

BAKING - if you and your friends find it hard to get together over the holidays due to family commitments have a “baking party”. Share a morning, afternoon or evening with friends to bake some holiday goodies. Bring the kids along and get them involved. Kill “two birds with one stone”, a fun visit with your friends and you all have your holiday baking wrapped up!

GIFTS - don’t put yourself under stress if finances are tighter this year. Remember its not the $$ you spend its the thought. One year I gave my friends and colleagues a mason jar with a recipe in it for holiday cookies. It saved me money and gave them a unique gift. Some enjoyed making the recipe with their kids while others just loved the end product.

We as humans are great at keeping ourselves busy which is fine but not if it doesn’t feel good or continues to burn ourselves out. The best defence to burnout and building resilience is boundaries. They don’t have to be uncomfortable they can just be simple boundaries to help relieve some stress and allow you to breathe. Here are a few simple ones to try out:

SPACE: Its’ OK to ask those around you for some “space” to just refuel before you tackle another day or task. Whether that’s having your morning coffee in peace or taking quiet time for yourself in the evening to read, run a bubble bath or watch your favourite Netflix show.

ASK FOR HELP: Yes, we are all busy but asking for help can be mutually beneficial. Is there something you and a friend can coordinate to help each other with holiday tasks? Maybe it’s family or friends taking the kids for a couple of hours so you can get your list done then offer the same in return.

DELEGATE: This doesn’t have to be uncomfortable or regimented. Make it fun for family members by creating a reward of some kind. As an example, set a prize or contest around who can clean their room or a room in the house the best. Maybe try a cooking contest where the kids get to make their favourite dish (if old enough). Who wouldn’t want their kids to learn to cook right!?

The idea with all these tips is to bring Joy into them. Things don’t have to be stressful and sharing with others is usually more fun. So, don’t be hard on yourself through the holidays, it’s a time to enjoy, indulge and not worry about everyday stresses….we have all year to do that.

If there’s one thing to remember this holiday season its to ask yourself when feeling overwhelmed, “Am I feeling JOY in this?” If not, what can you or others do differently to make it more joyful?

The holidays are a time for enjoyment and you deserve some FUN, REST and RELAXATION!

All the best, Catherine x

Catherine L. McCourt

Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach based in beautiful Vancouver, BC. She was recently recognized as one of the Top 15 Coaches in Vancouver by Influence Digest Media. Catherine works with clients around the globe and focuses on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses to lead with purpose to prosper. She is host of the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs and magazines.


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