RISK - Calculated Courage or Friend of Failure?

The Benefits of Taking Risk in Life: Stepping Out for Growth and Fulfillment

Some of us have been taught that risk is something to be avoided. It’s seen as dangerous, unpredictable, and best left untouched. But if you talk to people who have achieved great success, many will tell you, “Taking risk can lead to great reward.”

So, how do you feel about risk?

As children, we were natural risk-takers. From our first steps to adulthood, we took risks almost daily, often without thinking about it or seeking our parents' approval. However, as we grow older, we tend to develop a fear of risk. Life experience teaches us to be cautious, to avoid the unknown, and to seek comfort in what we know. So, why does risk feel more daunting with age? Does it stem from the responsibilities we acquire, where risk could mean losing something valuable? Or is it simply the fear of trying something new and failing?

Risk-taking is frequently linked with fear, danger, and uncertainty. The very idea of stepping into the unknown can cause many of us to cling to the security of our routines. Yet risk is also the very thing that pushes us forward in life. It’s the hidden force behind growth, learning, and transformation. When we embrace risk, we open ourselves to new opportunities that have the power to change our lives in profound ways.

What exactly are the benefits of taking risks? Let’s explore…

1. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

At the core of any significant life change is a leap of faith—a risk that forces us to grow beyond our current limits. Stepping outside our comfort zone may be uncomfortable, but it's in this discomfort that we truly grow. Whether it’s starting a business, switching careers, or moving to a new city, risks require us to develop new skills, adapt to change, and learn from failure.

Taking risks also allows us to discover aspects of ourselves that we didn’t know existed. When we push past our perceived limits, we might find hidden talents, develop new passions, and build greater resilience. Each risk we take acts as a mirror, reflecting our ability to endure and thrive, even in uncertain situations.

2. Increased Confidence and Resilience

Every time we take a risk, we either succeed or we fail. Though, is it really failure? Just like those that have the opposite opinions on fear likely have the same opinions about failure. If you show up and try but don’t accomplish what you were hoping for is it failure? Or has it helped you grow and learn?

Success builds confidence, reinforcing our belief that we can tackle future challenges. But even when risks don’t go as planned, failure serves an equally important role. It teaches us lessons, strengthens our resilience, and equips us to handle setbacks more effectively.

Resilience is a key component of a fulfilling life. It’s the ability to bounce back after setbacks and keep moving forward. The more risks we take, the more we learn to handle setbacks with grace. We become less afraid of failure and more willing to keep trying, knowing that even in the face of failure, we are gaining wisdom and strength.

3. Fuel for Innovation and Creativity

Risk is the key to innovation. When we play it safe, we often stick to familiar solutions and avoid thinking outside the box. But risk invites us to try new approaches, leading to breakthroughs and opportunities we might not have considered.

Think of the entrepreneurs who build successful startups or the artists who create revolutionary works. Their success isn’t the result of playing it safe; it’s the result of taking risks, embracing uncertainty, and experimenting. Doing different! Risk often leads to fresh perspectives, which ignite creativity and open doors to unexpected successes.

4. Confronting Fear and Building Courage

Fear is one of the most powerful forces that keeps us from taking risk. It whispers that we’re not good enough, that we might fail, or that things will never work out. But the irony is that the very act of facing our fears is what diminishes their power over us. Or offers the ability to co-exist and collaborate through the challenge. It might be the fear of failure that keeps you forging ahead to your ultimate goal and destiny.

When we take risks, we confront the fears that have been holding us back. Each time we challenge those fears, we weaken their hold. The more we take risks and experience positive outcomes—or even learn from negative ones—the more we build a narrative that tells us we can handle the unknown. Gradually, fear loses its grip or becomes quieter and we become more empowered to take on greater challenges.

5. Building Stronger Relationships

Risk-taking isn’t just about business or personal achievement; it’s also essential in building relationships. Taking emotional risks, like being vulnerable with someone or ending a toxic relationship, can lead to more meaningful connections.

When we allow others to see our true selves, we take an emotional risk. But this vulnerability is the foundation of authentic connections. By embracing these emotional risks, we create deeper, more rewarding relationships built on trust, support, and mutual understanding.

6. Aligning with Your Purpose

Many people live according to societal expectations, following paths laid out by family, friends, or cultural norms. While this provides security, it doesn’t always lead to fulfillment. Taking risk, however, allows us to pursue what truly matters to us.

Whether it’s leaving a stable job to follow a passion, moving to a new country, or launching a new venture, risks are often necessary to create a life aligned with our values and desires. By taking these risks, we find deeper meaning and a greater sense of satisfaction.

7. Living with Fewer Regrets

In the end, one of the greatest benefits of risk-taking is that it allows us to live with fewer regrets. Many people, especially later in life, regret the things they didn’t do rather than the things they did. By taking risk, we open ourselves to the full range of experiences life has to offer. Even if we fail, we can take comfort in knowing we tried.

Living a life full of “what-ifs” can lead to regret. But by taking risks, we ensure we’ve lived fully, explored possibilities, and followed our dreams.

Conclusion: Embrace the Journey

Risk-taking isn’t about being reckless; it’s about having the courage to step into the unknown. The rewards of taking risk go beyond immediate success—they shape who we are and how we navigate the world. Life is too short to always play it safe, so stretch your courage and embrace the risks that come your way.

This blog is for inspiration and motivation to readers. Seek out the right advice from experts in their respective fields when contemplating risk in areas of life and/or business.

Catherine L. McCourt

Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach based in beautiful Vancouver, BC. She was recently recognized as one of the Top 15 Coaches in Vancouver by Influence Digest Media. Catherine works with clients around the globe and focuses on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses to lead with purpose to prosper. She is host of the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs and magazines.


I Quit!