Ditch the Doubt

Is there something you’ve wanted or have been thinking of for awhile and living in the doubt of making it a reality?

 Is this thing, this desire consuming your thoughts though the doubt rings through the loudest?

Maybe you’ve recently decided on something, and regret (doubt) has shown up after the fact. This happens at times when making big decisions throughout our lives. You are not alone and even celebrities, brilliant leaders and those that have studied and understand doubt still have moments of doubt, regret, or fear.

Doubt is defined as “to call into question the truth of; to be uncertain or in doubt about something”, “lack of confidence”, or “fear”. (Meriam-Webster)

“The reason that so many people never fulfill their potential is not a lack of intelligence, opportunity, or resources, but a lack of belief in themselves. Or put another way, too little self-confidence.  Without it, you can do little, with it, you can do anything!Forbes Feb 26, 2015, An observation by William James


Where doubt usually stems from is past experiences, lack of seeing our true ability and our attachment and how we think about things. Or it’s the unknown. So how do we release the doubt and move on with the day or tasks at hand?

Here are three proven tips to help minimize the doubt and get you feeling confident in your decisions:

-        ASK YOURSELF – what am I afraid of? Once you are clear on what that is, its easier to see if this is something to fear at all or just a tone in your mind that caused the doubt. Are you doubting your abilities? If so, ask yourself, what examples do you have to prove this otherwise? An example may be skills for a job you are interested in applying for. Or, attempting something new for the first time. You likely have transferrable skills or have overcome similar doubt in the past.


-        PRACTICE DETACHMENT – this is a tough one for many as we as humans are habitual and hold onto perceptions or ideas we have even if they aren’t true or serving us. To practice detachment, you must first understand what that attachment is, where is it coming from and what is causing it. How to address this is asking yourself “WHY”, why do you care so much about this idea or thing or particular outcome? What is the feeling it is giving you? Or what is the feeling you are anticipating if you detach from this? By understanding where it is stemming from first will then allow you to process and respond better than just react the way you have been used to. As well, it offers you the opportunity to let go and detach. Detachment is like a muscle you need to exercise, and it takes time and practice to apply it at the right times to keep you moving forward.


-        PROCESS IT – by processing what you uncovered you will be moving through it and getting to a place of “doubt-less”. Or at least that’s the intention. It’s ok to process your findings and still make the alternative decision in the end to not move ahead with whatever it is. But at least you have done so with clarity and confidence.

Try it out with the smallest doubt that appears this week. It could be something as simple as whether to join a new exercise class or applying to a new job. See if you can get to a place of “doubt-less” and feel confident in whatever decision you decide and move on.

Catherine L. McCourt

Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach based in beautiful Vancouver, BC. She was recently recognized as one of the Top 15 Coaches in Vancouver by Influence Digest Media. Catherine works with clients around the globe and focuses on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses to lead with purpose to prosper. She is host of the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs and magazines.




Are you Surviving the week or Driving the week?