Burnout is likely affecting us all in some form whether it’s ourselves or someone we know or live with. Over 50% of people suffer from workplace or other burnout and some don’t even know they are in it.

Burnout shows up in many ways and affects us all differently though common symptoms to be aware of are:

- Fatigue, exhaustion

- Lack of or trouble sleeping

- Anxiety

- Digestive issues

- Irritability

- Cancelling social plans

We often think this is normal life, normal career symptoms but the truth is it is not. It is not normal to feel this on a daily or weekly basis. It’s not normal to think this is what building your career or succeeding in your job entails. This is simply not normal.

I normalized these symptoms for two years before I succumbed to the realization I was in utter burnout. I too thought, this is just what grinding to the top means, and it will pass. I was lying to myself and though I couldn’t see it, those around me could. I wasn’t sleeping and rather crashing whenever I had the chance. I had irritable bowel symptoms. I was moody and had zero bandwidth for my “life”. For the good tings in life like great conversations with friends, engaging in team sports or even just staying awake for a movie. I was a zombie …literally! I only had enough energy to keep my professional persona alive and functioning.

I had a Dr. friend say to me, “you know stress leads to death”. I was like, what? Don’t tell me that. I’m young, fit, and healthy. He reminded me that it may not be immediate but that over time as the body is in prolonged stress it creates long term affects that could lead to complications down the road. It was then and there when I realized I needed help to pull me out of this state. To create a renewed mind, body and soul and to gain resilience against it ever coming back.

What helped me may not work for everyone but here are three tips that I know have worked for many:

Write it out! Write out all the things you believe are contributing to this feeling of burnout. Reflect on each and ask yourself how you can eliminate it, approach it differently, or does it truly hold the weight or importance you think it has or should?

Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake. I know crazy right!? But honestly, there are so many studies out there that prove these are only exacerbating your symptoms. A good trick is to have one caffeine drink every other day and if you need your hot cup of something swap the off day with decaf. You still get the great taste without the jolt.

Do something you LOVE once a week. Make this something easy to do or access as the key is “with ease” and not compound the stress you already feel. Set the boundary around this and commit to making it happen no matter what pops up.

What myself and others have discovered is that it truly takes work on mindset, resilience, and boundaries to sustainably eliminate burnout. Knowing where it stems from for you is the only way to bust it out of your life for good.

For help navigating and eliminating your burnout please check out my Signature Program “BUST THE BURNOUT”

Catherine L. McCourt

Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach based in beautiful Vancouver, BC. She was recently recognized as one of the Top 15 Coaches in Vancouver by Influence Digest Media. Catherine works with clients around the globe and focuses on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses to lead with purpose to prosper. She is host of the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs and magazines.


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